SEARCH: kakuro

Jigsaw Sudoku

Continue your journey in our sudoku series and complete the grid with numbered jigsaw pieces! In this game you will be given a 9x9 grid, which is evenly divided into 9 squares. Your goal in the game is to put...


This highly addictive numerical game of Kakuro is refined from the fine elements of Sudoku and crossword. Come and challenge the randomly generated puzzles now! Your goal in this game is to fill in all of the blanks with numbers...


The purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, anagrams, cryptarithms and logic puzzles (Nonogram, Sudoku, Kakuro, Hitori, Slitherlink, Link-a-Pix, Fill-a-Pix, Battleship, Hashiwokakero, Masyu, Light Up, Fillomino, Futoshiki, Kuromasu, Nurikabe, Tents, KenKen, Hidato, Numbrix, Shikaku, Galaxies,...

Killer Sudoku

Time to defeat the killer, sudoku geniuses! Same as the classic version of the number puzzle, you will be given a 9x9 grid, which is evenly divided into 9 squares. Your goal in the game is to put numbers 1...

OddEven free

OddEven free(freeware): Free version contains full puzzle generator (sandbox) with all settings except Campaign. Odd||Even is a math-and-logic based, number placement puzzle similar to Sudoku + Kakuro created by irritatingFLY studio and is their first game. OddEven game (with powerful...