SEARCH: 1d nesting

PDF Plotter Nesting

Many cheap plotters cannot do the nesting itself. So if you do not want to change the paper formats constantly then you produce a ton of waste paper. In order to allow also cheap plotters to do the nesting there...

  • Demo
  • 20 Jul 2015
  • 4.1 MB

1DNest: 1D Cutting Optimizer

1D-Nest linear cutting optimizer is the most efficient, friendly and powerful optimization software to make efficient cutting plans for materials provided in standard lengths, like bars, tubes, metallic profiles, structural steel, extrusions, paper rolls, etc. Power: NO quantity limits for...

Ring2D for Windows

Ring2D is a command line tool for Windows Command Prompt (CMD), that packs rings and disks to reduce waste in cutting processes. The following optimizations are provided: - Given a set of rings and disk parts and a circular sheet,...